Monday, January 11, 2010

5th and 6th Grades - Essay Writing for the Second Semester (note new regulations about adult involvement)

To Avoid:
•    Contractions, slang, and clichés
•    The words “get,” “stuff,” and “things”
•    Second person (the word “you”)
•    Phrases such as “I believe,” “I feel,” and “I think”

Each essay must contain:
•    An introduction that is at least two sentences long.  The last sentence of the introduction must be the thesis sentence, the one sentence that sums up your entire essay.
•    Three body paragraphs, each of which contains at least five sentences (one of which is the topic sentence).
•    A conclusion that is at least two sentences long.  Do not begin your conclusion with the words “In conclusion.”  The conclusion restates what you wrote in your introduction.

•    Follow the writing process – PREWRITE (brainstorm, outline), write a draft, revise (make content stronger), edit (grammar/spelling/punctuation), publish.
•    Vary sentence length (have some short sentences and some long ones) and vary word choice (use a thesaurus for synonyms; consider Wordle to determine overused words)
•    Have strong details – good reasons to support your opinion
•    Use (but don’t overuse) transitions – “in addition,” “furthermore,” etc.

•    Sentence and essay requirements (such as the sentence and paragraph lengths) (10 points)
•    Grammar/spelling/style – proper grammar, correct spelling, appropriate style (such as avoiding slang and contractions) (15 points)
•    Content (what you say in your essay) (25 points)

Essays must be typed in a standard font.  Prewriting and draft(s) may be typed, but do not have to be.

Adult help is limited to a few general “Yes/No” questions.  “Does this paragraph make sense?” or “Is this a strong argument?” is fine.  “What are the grammar mistakes in this essay?” or “What are your opinions about this topic?” is not.  Detailed editing will be your responsibility.  You will also be given specific feedback from your peer editor prior to turning your essay in for a grade.

Topic for January:
If you ran the Middle School at Dunham, what three policies/procedures would you add, delete and/or change?  Explain your choices.

Due Date:
Final draft is due at the beginning of class on Thursday, January 21st.  A self-assessment form should be completed at this time as well.  Your peer editor will make suggestions and complete a peer-assessment form in class that day.  You will then be given a chance to make changes to your essay in response to your peer editor’s feedback.  The essay, though, must be turned in by the end of Thursday’s class.

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